
Workrooms Journal Nº 3

Date: July 2015

ISSN:  2386-2483

Indexed by CrossRef (link)

Code of Ethics:

Spanish (link)

English (link)

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Cover of issue 3


Watering the imagination (link)


WRE-2015-04 (link)

Analyzing the possibilities of a sustainable gym

Martínez-Menendez, Borja; Bonache-Rodriguez, Angela; Alba-Villafañe, Carmen; Mendez-Gayol, Miguel

WRE-2015-05 (link)

Using Lighting Smart Grids in Nautical applications

Martin-Fernandez, Pablo; Gudin-López, Cosme; Campa-Fernandez Pablo; Fuillerat-Garcia, Aitor

WRE-2015-10 (link)

Acoustic Behavior evaluation produced by Granular Composite for Tires of Urban Electric Vehicles

Sancho-Turrado, Angel; Rodriguez-Llamas, Angel Carlos; Calleja, Antonio Javier

WRE-2015-11 (link)

Proposal of an educational pattern house to be powered using renewable energies

Rico-Secades, Manuel; Calleja-Rodriguez, Antonio Javier

WRE-2015-14 (link)

National Competition Robotics League

Villarmarzo-Arruñada, Noelia; Alonso-García, Alejandro; Molina-García, Pablo; Gómez-Girón, Samuel

WRE-2015-15 (link)

Educational Street Charge Point with Smart Lighting based on LED’s, powered by a PV Solar Module 

Gutiérrez-Graña, Diego; Crespo-Iglesias, Miguel; Fidalgo-Ramos, David

WRE-2015-16 (link)

Power Supply and Cooling System of Warehouse Crops from Renewable Energies 

Castillo-Pérez, Manuel Adolfo; Rodríguez-Godínez, Allan Uriel

WRE-2015-17 (link)

Traffic Lights Powered with PV Solar Energy 

González-Muñiz, Ana; Longueira-Romero, Ángel

WRE-2015-18 (link)

Technical and economical project for biomass district heating in camping

Del Pozo Garcia, Manuel

Publisher:  ce3i2 group (Fundacion Universidad de Oviedo)

Workrooms Journal is an initiative of the ce3i2 group (link) of the EPI Gijón  (link).

Place of publication:

EPI Gijon-Campus de Viesques- Asturias -Spain


Dr Manuel Rico-Secades (link)

Dr Juan Carlos Alvarez-Alvarez